SSR Podcast Review

“I found this podcast after rereading and Googling one of my favorite series from middle school. I loved that episode so much that I started listening to more of them! As a bookworm, a child at heart, and nostalgic gal, I love reminiscing on past books and hearing other people weigh in on them. I appreciate that Alli talks about how books should hold up [today] because it’s an important conversation to have and shows how literature and media have changed over the years. There’s also a book club for the podcast, and I love that, too. I recommend both the podcast and the book club!”

Pod Partners

  • What kind of consulting do I get with this partnership?

    As your pod partner, I’ll walk you through the process of developing your podcast concept, honing in on your niche/brand, and positioning yourself to make a splash as host and producer. I’ll help you create a launch timeline and set up systems that will ensure your show can keep rolling as long as you want it to. We’ll talk about how to market your show and explore monetization strategies. You’ll walk away with a clear plan and vision… and you’ll have the tools you need to execute!

  • Why should I hire you to be my pod partner when I can find a lot of this information online?

    There are tons of great resources out there to walk you through the technical basics of podcasting, but knowing those nuts and bolts won’t set you up for long-term success as a podcaster. Consistency is key in the podcasting space, and as your partner, I’ll help you begin with the end in mind and turn you into a creator that makes content that can be taken seriously. We’ll collaborate for one, two, or three months… and then I’ll set you loose with those online resources!

  • Why should I hire you instead of another consultant?

    I built my own podcast from the ground up, and nearly five years later, I’m still managing every aspect of it myself. I can help you figure out everything from episode workflows and show format to booking guests and your unique brand. As a fellow creative and a serious consumer of media and pop culture, I can’t wait to support you as you figure out how to make absolutely addictive content. I speak your language, I care about projects like yours, and I promise that we’re going to have a good time.

  • How much do you charge?

    My standard rate is $85/hour.

    Ultimately, we may find that it works better to structure the pricing of your project based on page count or deliverable, but the hourly rate is a good place to start

  • What edge will my podcast have if I choose to work with you?

    Without our podcast partnership, you can totally pull together a couple of episodes and get them out in the world. But will you have the confidence to launch yourself — on social media and IRL — as a podcaster with a plan? Maybe not! My consulting will empower you to look ahead and build a brand from your content without feeling like you’re on a constant hamster wheel.

  • Do you offer editing services?

    I do! Once we’ve worked together as podcast partners and you’ve launched your show, you can hire me to edit episodes. You’ll be responsible for sending me raw audio files, which I will polish and perfect for your listeners. I’ll send the complete episode file back to you to feed out.

    We’ll determine my editing fee based on the length of your episodes.